Tor-tor dance is Dance Batak
of North Sumatra
Tor-tor dance is a dance typical wikipedia Indonesia Indonesia Batak indigenous culture.
Indonesia Tor Tor dance in rhythm to the accompaniment of traditional
musical instruments such as batak gondang, flutes, and trumpets typical
Dance tor-tor used in special rituals pertaining to the ancestors, and
the dance is a symbol to communicate with the ancestors batak northern
Tarian Tor - tor, BATAK |
Dance tor-tor
Indonesia is calling ancestral spirits and called into the statue so
that the statue was moved stiffly dancing, hand movements and foot
covers "tiptoe-tiptoe"
Types of dance tor-tor different term has several different types and functions depending kegunanaan dance. There are so-called dance tor-tor Pangurason the dance was held at the party to clean up the place and location to be away from danger. There are other more like dance tor tor Sipitu bowls usually held at the king's inauguration, a long time ago by a legendary dance tor-tor sipitu cup from 7 princess angel bathing in a lake in the mountains pusuk Buhit.
There is another type of single-tor tor batak Panaluan held when in a disaster-prone country, in order to pull this dance, which is in batak disaster can quickly be lost and the village is safe from danger.
Here is a video dance Tor-Tor Indonesia
Types of dance tor-tor different term has several different types and functions depending kegunanaan dance. There are so-called dance tor-tor Pangurason the dance was held at the party to clean up the place and location to be away from danger. There are other more like dance tor tor Sipitu bowls usually held at the king's inauguration, a long time ago by a legendary dance tor-tor sipitu cup from 7 princess angel bathing in a lake in the mountains pusuk Buhit.
There is another type of single-tor tor batak Panaluan held when in a disaster-prone country, in order to pull this dance, which is in batak disaster can quickly be lost and the village is safe from danger.
Here is a video dance Tor-Tor Indonesia
In accordance with the development, dance tor-tor do vary depending on the show, as the show Batak culture and customs administration.
Dance tor-tor according to wikipedia is berasala from Indonesia, this is a special dance in the dance and not haphazard. New - this new party will claim malaysia dance tor-tor Indonesia, the Yah.ssemogas this problem can be resolved.
Source, All Reference
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